Tips for Staying Motivated & Empowered

Happy March! I cannot even explain how insane of a month February was. Chase and I closed on our first home at the beginning of the month, moved out of our apartment, An American in Paris opened at Hale Centre Theatre, I traveled to San Diego for an exciting work trip, and Chase’s mom got married! WOW! I must say now that February is over, March is looking very chill-and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Spring is right around the corner. I love Spring and everything that comes with it. With the weather warming up, I have been trying to motivate myself in many aspects of my life. This is something that is not easy-but I know will pay off in the long run. With trying to stay motivated I have discovered 5 tips that help:

  1. JUST DO IT: This is definitely easier said than done, but in reality nothing changes until you start the journey. For change to occur you have to just get started and do it!
  2. CHART YOUR PROGRESS: I have found that when I notice a change and progress being made I am instantly more motivated. I know I am not the only one. When motivating yourself focus on the changes that have occurred throughout the process. Even the slightest changes are worth celebrating!
  3. DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY: This is something that has been said quite a bit. When starting a fitness routine, meal plan, other goals it is SO much easier to stay with something if you enjoy it. Find something you like and stick with it. I am not a huge fan of running, but lately I have discovered HIIT workouts. I love how short and sweet they are, and I always finish feeling proud of myself and accomplished. I love this free HIIT Workout app for the iPhone. It is my go-to workout.

4. DON’T OBSESS OVER YOUR VISION: Have you every thought about something so much that you think about it 24hrs a day/7 days a week? I definitely have and this is not a way to live your life! While it is important for us to think about our goals, it is vital that we DO NOT focus and obsess over them. If you find this is happening take a step back, and then re-visit after a period of time.

5. PRACTICE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS EACH DAY: Our brains are powerful. Positive affirmations work due to the power of positive thinking. By setting affirmations we are making ourselves receptive to change and then we work to bring this change about. Here are a few of my favorites I think about each morning:

-I am happy and grateful for ____.

-I have the power to change my story.

-I can do this.

-I am fierce.

You have the power to motivate yourself. As Spring rolls around I hope that you are motivated to do what you have been holding yourself back from. You are powerful and fierce and can do whatever you set your sights on.

You are more powerful than you think.



Shop my workout set: Leggings. Sports Bra

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