I’m Engaged-The Proposal!

You know that feeling when you meet the one that you know God made just for you? Chase is that guy for me and I know that God planned everything so that we would meet and everything would fall into place. The very first time I saw Chase was in class at BYU. We didn’t speak to each other for a while, but after months of talking and attending classes together we went on our first date. A year after our first date I’m typing this blog post with a very pretty, sparkly, new addition on my left hand.

My life was changed on December 20, 2015. Chase and I had been planning a trip to NYC with his family for Christmas after finals were over. We both were looking forward to being in the city and couldn’t wait to see a couple Broadway shows, as we both are avid Broadway lovers. I arrived in the city Sunday morning and anxiously awaited the arrival of his family. Once they arrived that evening I felt like vacation could finally begin. After unpacking and getting settled at the hotel, we decided to go see the new Star Wars movie. While in the theatre I remember thinking how much I loved Chase and how happy I was to be in the city with him. After the movie was over, we decided to stop in at Carmines for dinner-we all love Italian food and knew it was a perfect idea. While at dinner, I noticed that Chase was overjoyed with happiness but I just figured that he was thrilled to be in NYC. I didn’t think much of it and continued to stuff my face with the spaghetti that was on the table. After we finished eating dinner, Chase told me that we were going to walk to Times Square and take some photos. THIS IS WHEN I STARTED TO CATCH ON. At this moment my heart tripled in beats per minute. I was beyond excited but I didn’t want to get my hopes up in case nothing happened. As we began walking toward Times Square Chase kept telling me how much he loved me and how happy he was that I was in NYC with him. Once we got to the center of the universe, Chase stopped and reached for both of my hands. I COULDN’T BELIEVE WHAT WAS HAPPENING. HE WAS PROPOSING RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF TIMES SQUARE. After saying some of the sweetest things to me, Chase kneeled down and reached into his coat pocket to reveal a black box that contained a gorgeous diamond ring inside. I was overjoyed and could barely get the words “yes” out of my mouth. Chase had made me the happiest girl in the world and had asked me in our favorite city.

Today, two months later, wedding planning is in full swing! We can’t wait to spend our lives together and know that God put us together for a reason. Loving someone and being loved is the greatest feeling in the world. After all, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” (Co 13:7-8) DSC_0046DSC_0026DSC_0115DSC_0082DSC_0037DSC_003312736442_10205854739073875_768553676_n


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