Finding a Trusted Sitter with Rover…

Happy Spring! I am thrilled to see that warmer weather is on the way and sunnier days are ahead. Spring is one of my favorite seasons.

Chase and I have been planning on traveling quite a bit in the next couple of months. We love exploring new places, but we also enjoy heading back to destinations that are special to us. Our travel plans don’t always allow us to take Belle with us. As hard as this is, we have always made it a priority to find someone to watch her that is dependable, reliable, and treats her just like Chase and I do. In my search for finding a reliable sitter, I stumbled upon Rover.

Rover is an online site where you can book trusted and local pet sitters/walkers to take care of your furry friend. All of their sitters pass a basic background check and also provide a detailed profile so you can get to know them. Rover also approves each sitter before they are allowed to set up a profile on their site. Rover has given me piece of mind when I have to leave Belle behind, and I know I am leaving her with someone that I can trust and rely on.

Chase and I used Rover during the holiday season when we traveled, and I was SO impressed with the sitter we found. Through the app, I was able to communicate with our sitter and I even received pictures of Belle daily. It definitely put Chase and I at ease. Next time, you  need a pet sitter or someone to walk  your furry friend,  check out Rover. You can also download their app!

*Thank you to Rover for sponsoring this post.*

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