Easy Home Teeth Whitening

Being the daughter of a dentist, I have had my fair share of teeth whitening experiences. When contacted to try Smile Brilliant, I expected the usual whitening experience that I’ve tried many times. Man was I wrong! Smile Brilliant is definitely a leader in the teeth whitening industry. The ease of using their products and the results they provided me with were incomparable. It was so simple and easy for me to whiten my teeth at home with the custom trays they sent, and I saw a major difference in just a few short weeks of using the product.

Their process is very simple. After choosing which whitening system you wish to use, Smile Brilliant sends impressional material and trays right to your doorstep. Once the trays are made, you send them back to them using the provided packaging and shipping label. Once the lab receives the impressions, you receive your trays shortly after! How simple is that?

The whitening process itself was the easiest part! I often found myself whitening my teeth when doing chores around the house. I often whitened my teeth right before bed when I was doing laundry or when I was completing homework for my classes at school. All I had to do was wear my custom trays! After I was done whitening, I whitened for about 2 hours at a time, I simply brushed my teeth.

Everyone knows how expensive it can be to have your teeth whitened at the dental office. Smile Brilliant offers the same process as dentist do, but at a fraction of the cost! Who wouldn’t like that? On average, whitening your teeth at the dentist cost between $400 and $500. Smile Brilliant starts at $129!

I am so happy to partner with Smile Brilliant to offer a GIVEAWAY of their wonderful whitening system!! Just head here and enter! You can also use code fluffandfrill5 for 5% off their teeth whitening system!

I highly recommend Smile Brilliant! Let’s be honest, daily life and age causes our teeth to stain. With Smile Brilliant we can diminish these stains and have a dazzling smile!

Before and After pictures

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Thank you to Smile Brilliant for sponsoring this post.

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