5 Ways I Deal with Stress…

Let’s be honest, there is nothing easy about life. Life is stressful and overwhelming. I find that when I encounter stress in my life it is often a sign of an underlying worry or fear I have. Worry is also, unfortunately, part of life. From little worries to big ones, we have to find a way to manage the stress that is inevitable to come our way. Here are 5 ways I tackle it…

FITNESS/YOGA: We have been told time and time again how exercise affects out bodies in a a positive way. I’ve found that working out is a huge stress-reliever for me. One of my favorite ways to get a little bit of exercise while trying to unwind is yoga. Yoga is good for so many things, but it is most known for reliving stress, releasing toxins from the body, and providing mind and body awareness. One of my favorite things after a day at work is to attend a Bikram Yoga class. When life is busy and I don’t have time to fit a class into my schedule, I try to do a few simple postures at home.

READ: I have found reading to also be helpful when trying to relieve stress. One source that I often turn to when feeling overwhelmed is my daily devotional, Jesus Calling. I feel like each page provides me with what I need to hear. It is incredible. Find a book that brings you guidance, encouragement, and peace and keep it on your bedside table.

TAKE A STEP BACK: In my case I become overwhelmed when I am on overdrive. When I take a step back and evaluate what is in my control and what I can do, I often feel much better about the situation. While every situation is different, I have discovered that by taking a step back I am also able to evaluate the wonderful things that are happening in my life. This serves as a comfort to me in stressful situations.

ME TIME: When is the last time you did something for yourself? Gotten a massage, your nails done, gone shopping? I can’t tell you how important this is. I’ve discovered that when I don’t have my “me time” this often leads to stress in my life. Next time you need a little “you time” head to SheIn and use code 2fluffa15 for 15% off your entire purchase. You can pick up this darling dress that I have on in the images throughout this post here.

TALK TO SOMEONE: I cannot tell you how many times I have talked things through with Chase. Find someone you trust and can talk to. Everyone needs someone in their life that will listen when you need them to. This can be your family, spouse, best friend, the list goes on. Find that person and hang onto them. Finding someone you can talk frankly to about your stressful situations is one of the best ways to overcome them.

I hope these help you unwind and combat stress that heads your way. Are there any other ways you de-stress? Leave a comment on this post and let me know. As always, thank you for stopping by!



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