Tips for Staying Motivated to Hit the Gym…

Happy Friday! I am so happy the weekend is almost here! If you follow me on Instagram you saw my post from yesterday talking about the internal struggle I battled with to get to the gym. IT IS SO HARD SOME DAYS! Today I am so happy to share my 5 tips & tricks for staying motivated and achieving my goal of making it the gym.

  1. Think of the end result: One thing that I try to remind myself when at the gym is that it the hard work will be worth it in the end! It is always so hard to push through a trying workout, but the end result is more than worth it!

     2. Jam out to your favorite tunes: Let’s be honest, workouts are difficult enough as it is. Without my favorite music it is nearly impossible to make it through! Make sure to have your favorite playlist on hand.

   3. Invest in some cute workout attire: I am a strong believer in the idea of look good, feel good. When I dress in clothes I feel comfortable in, I also have a better workout. One of my favorite sites for workout clothes is Lululemon. 🙂

4. Find a workout buddy: Working out with a friend is 100X more fun than going alone! Give it a shot!  Chase is one of my favorite Gym buddies.

5. Don’t push yourself too hard: This is something that I am still working on! I try to do it all-and there are days when I have to let my body rest and rejuvenate. These days are important too! Not every workout has to be so difficult!


Let me know if you have any tips that work for you! I would love to hear them. Thanks for stopping by!



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